Certified Reiki I & II
Reiki Classes
One-on-one, online, or on-site.
Reiki is a form of alternative therapy, it originated in Japan in the early 20th century. The word "Reiki" is derived from: "rei," which means universal, and "ki," which means life energy/ vital force. Reiki is translated as "universal life energy."The practice of Reiki involves the channeling of this universal life energy and applying this energy through the hands of the practitioner on the recipient, for relaxation, stress reduction, and healing, re-establishing the flow of Ki/ Chi/ energy, to repel and release illness and distress.
Science-based medicine:
The most recent data shows strong evidence that Reiki is indeed responsible for a positive biological response in both humans and animals. “Sham” or bogus Reiki treatments given to the placebo group showed no reduction in stress, anxiety or depression. Testing in humans showed Reiki treatments were positive in controlling pain levels, while the placebo Reiki treatments in this experiment were by contrast ineffective.
What you'll learn:
Free access to my course Energy Healing Made Simple
Learn about the history of Reiki and how it has changed over time
Learn how to clear the space and protect yourself
Learn to perform Reiki sessions from a holistic approach
Learn about the chakra system and its functions
Learn how to access your intuition
Learn how to perform Reiki sessions on self and others
Heal unwanted patterns and self-limiting beliefs
You will learn and experience the benefits of regular meditation
Receive Master attunements from a Reiki Master & Practitioner
Get certified in Reiki I & II
Reiki I (90 min.) $150
Reiki II (2 hours) $200 (Pre-requisite: Needs Reiki I first)
Reiki I + II (2 sessions of 90 min. each) $300
Contact me for more information, and to set your appointment.
Pay by Zelle or Paypal below.
NOTE: Payments are non-refundable. Please be prompt for your scheduled Zoom session as any delay will still be counted toward your time booked. If you need to reschedule your session, you *MUST* contact me at least 24 hours before the scheduled consultation. No-shows or cancellations within 24 hours are non-refundable and may not be rescheduled.